
Monday, December 10, 2012

Paper Snowflakes

Photo by Jackie Prozsynski
I think the art of folding and cutting paper snowflakes is a fun way for anyone to create art. You don't have to be a creative genius or talented artist to fold a piece of paper and cut random holes in it. Anyone old enough to use a pair of scissors can participate in paper snowflake creation.
This year my roommate and I decided we wanted to hang paper snowflakes from the ceiling of our dorm room. As decoration for the holiday, we already had icicle lights streaming across the ceiling over our beds; but we wanted more. One lazy Sunday we dug up scrap paper from our first semester classes that we would no longer be using. We turned on Christmas music and began to cut snowflakes.
Time flew by and after about two hours we had enough snowflakes to decorate about three dorm rooms. As we were unfolding our creations, I noticed that all of her snowflakes actually looked like snowflakes and were much prettier than mine. I got frustrated and tried to make new ones that looked more like hers. I asked her why mine were so ugly and hers were much better, and she just replied that none of them are better than others, they're just different. I was still unsatisfied with that answer, but as I started thinking I realized she was right.
My snowflakes didn't have to be perfect, the ones that fall from the sky aren't. Now that all of the paper snowflakes are hanging from our ceiling together, you can't even tell who made which ones. They're all beautiful in their own way, and together they make our room nice and cozy for the holiday season.

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