
Friday, September 7, 2012

About My Blog

Template: As I was creating my blog for this course, I think I changed my template and background at least ten times. I wanted to choose something that made my readers feel welcome and at the same time described me as a person. At first I had a picture from my amazing trip to Spain this summer, then I had a garden of flowers, a blue and turquoise pattern and finally decided on this bright red and pink water-color background. Although all of the other templates would have worked out fine, I felt this one captured everything I wanted. The water-color design is abstract and dripping in all different directions, which relates to me because at this point in my life I am not really sure where I am going or what I want to do in the future. The background is bright but not too overwhelming or distracting because I want readers to feel happily welcomed to my page but mainly focus on my writing.

Font: I chose a fun sort of handwritten, less formal looking font for the title of my blog because I wanted it to work well with my template to invite readers to my page. For the post titles and tabs I chose a font called "Crushed" because it looks like my handwriting when I write on paper, a combination of lowercase and capital letters intermixed to create a crisp square look to the type. Finally, for the page text I simply chose a text that strayed from the original "Times New Roman" and "Arial" fonts, but still looked formal and was easy to read.

Title: I think my title says a lot about me as a person. I am a simple, easy going person and I have an analytical outlook on most things. I think the three short words of my blog title are straight to the point describe me well.

Pages: So far, I only have a separate page for "About me" in which I included a few personal facts about me and my life. I hope to add more to that page and create new pages as I expand my blog, maybe photo page or a random facts page.

Miscellaneous: I included a search box, share button and follow options just to give readers different options to access my blog. I also included a photo of myself so readers could put a face to my name and writing.

Thoughts: Overall, I am pleased with my creation, after all this is my first blog. Making it was definitely harder and more time consuming than I thought it would be. There are so many decisions to make and finding the right combination of every little piece in order to create the perfect visual argument is tough. But I do feel like this reflects me well and I am excited to start posting and and continue adding to it as the year goes on!

1 comment:

  1. Nicole,

    Your background is gorgeous! Is this something you painted?

