
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Arts/Cultural Response: Jack Johnson

Nationally famous singer/songwriter Jack Johnson was recently featured at the Eisenhower Auditorium here on the Penn State campus. The event was called “Rock the Vote” which was a free show sponsored by the Student Programming Association (SPA). The goal of the event was to bring performers who would attract many students because outside of the concert, SPA members were walking around the ticket line in hopes of convincing students to register to vote here on campus for the upcoming 2012 presidential election. Performances from ALO, G. Love and Jack Johnson began at 7pm on Wednesday, September 19. 
G. Love (Garrett Dutton)
Jack Johnson
The doors opened at 6pm and nearly 2,000 students began trickling into the auditorium. By 7:00, it appeared as if the upper and lower levels of the venue were both jam packed, filling the auditorium to its capacity. I was seated on the lower, stage level section about 30 rows back and slightly left of center stage. First, a California rock band called ALO (Animal Liberation Orchestra) took the stage. I had never heard of them before this, but I ended up really enjoying their performance. Their smooth rock rhythms captured the entire audience, lifelong fans and newcomers alike. Their song titled “Roses and Clovers” was my personal favorite performance by them, as I found my self naturally swaying to this tune.
Up next was Garrett Dutton, better known as G. Love, a singer/songwriter from a neighborhood just outside of Philadelphia (my hometown). He also plays the guitar and is specially known for his talent on the harmonica, which is featured in many of his songs. Ever since I first saw G. Love open for a concert back in Philly in 2009, I began to listen to his music. I have learned to love his hip-hop/blues music and his performance at the Eisenhower blew me away. When he first walked onstage and greeted us in the audience, chills ran through my entire body. His voice live through the microphone was exactly how it sounds in his recorded songs, but better. G. Love was merely 50 feet away from me. All of the songs he performed were captivating, especially the ones in which he played his harmonica, because it is a unique talent that was very intriguing to view and hear. My favorite song performance by him was “Booty Call.” During this song I could really feel his fun-loving personality and sense his passion for his music.
Finally, the main act, Jack Johnson took the stage. When he first walked out the guys in the crowd roared and cheered and the girls screamed and squealed. Jack is a famous, award-winning musician from Hawaii. His acoustic and soft rock songs appeal to a wide range audience, especially adolescents because he sings a lot about young love and youthful fun. Every song he played from beginning to the encore that followed was greeted and supported enthusiastically by the audience. Everyone around me (myself included) stood with a smile on their face, singing along when they knew the words and clapping along even when they didn’t. My favorite song by Jack is “Better Together” which happened to be the final song he played at the concert. It was absolutely breathtaking. The entire time I imagined that he was singing directly towards me and nobody else was around.
Overall this concert was an incredible experience. It was unique compared to other musical performances I have been to in the past, usually I go see country or techno concerts. I definitely enjoyed this experience just as much, maybe even more. It was relaxing and fun at the same time. I would definitely go again if I could, and I’d recommend others to attend as well!

“Roses and Clovers” by ALO

“Booty Call” by G. Love

“Better Together” by Jack Johnson


  1. I also went to this concert and LOVED it! I plan to write my own blog post about it within the next few days. You definitely captured the experience well, I felt like I was back at the concert while I was reading!

  2. I went to this concert too! I also wrote my arts and culture blog post about this concert. I like how you linked the songs, nice touch! Its like being at the concert all over again ;) glad you had a good time, wish i saw you there!!!!
